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She maintains a flare that is a throwback to the fifties.  Perfectly coiffed in her black and pink “Jackie O” outfits and pearls, she moves gracefully throughout her pink kitchen helping those less fortunate than herself..

Pinky teaches her loyal Pinky Porter Girls about life and love while showing them how to master the kitchen.  But don’t think she’s just another pretty face!

Pinky is just as comfortable sashaying through a board room, and not with a serving tray.

Pinky Porter is Everywoman, successful in anything she does.  Her motto is “Every recipe tells a story.  You just have to read between the lines to hear it.”  Not only can Pinky stir the batter, she can also spin a good tale once the cake is in the oven

There are a few things Pinky doesn’t have an answer for, but if she doesn’t, she’ll make one up in the time it takes to serve a delicious meal.